Stephanie and Sophie’s Story
Stephanie and Sophie first attended a Pregnancy Social Group during the second half of their pregnancy and were supported with preparation for their new baby’s arrival. After having baby Phoebe by C-section, Stephanie and Sophie struggled to establish early breastfeeding. Our Health Promotion Practitioner Leanne contacted them within hours of discharge to offer breastfeeding guidance and support.
Stephanie and Sophie joined our Pregnancy Social Groups after hearing about them online. They have subsequently attended Breastfeeding Socials which helped them maintain breastfeeding. They also attended a range of family activities and are now in the process of becoming Healthworks volunteers.
Stephanie and Sophie regularly attended weekly Breastfeeding Socials which helped them maintain breastfeeding. Over time they progressed to attending our other children and family activities such as Baby Massage and Sensory Baby.
“We really could not have gotten to where we are now without the help and reassurance the Best Start team gave us, particularly on days where we felt so lost and alone. We have built up wonderful support around us thanks to attending these groups, where the workers have become familiar faces to our little girl.
When we began attending other groups we struggled to talk to anyone else attending, but our confidence has grown over the months to make friends with other mams attending. We are now looking into volunteering within Healthworks to be able to help and support others. We are so grateful to Leanne and to everyone who has helped us so far.”