A brother (Year 4) and his sister (Year 6) were referred due to a recent family bereavement. Both children were struggling after the recent death of their grandad whom they were very close to due to dad not being around. Mum reported that the children were in shock and would not talk about their emotions and feelings. The school explained that the children are great in school but struggling with engagement.
Rema, a busy mother of two, went to see her GP as she had started feeling poorly and had pains in her knees when walking. The GP did blood tests which identified that her sugar level has gone up and advised that she needed to lose weight and eat more healthy.
Ashleigh was struggling to get breastfeeding established, having problems with breastmilk supply after breast surgery in the past and feeling very anxious about breastfeeding after her previous breastfeeding experience with her first child didn’t go to plan.
Mohammed is now retired and has been living with type 2 diabetes for more than 10 years. The diabetes was identified at a random health check at his work place, He was referred to his GP, and was put on medication.
Muzna found day to day activities very challenging and often relied on a walking stick due to the pain and fatigue caused by arthritis. A referral from Muzna’s physio to our Escape Pain programme was the start of her amazing journey.
Norma was becoming increasingly concerned about the decline in her health and mobility, she was 74 when she was referred to Healthworks by Primary Care.
Mary was 52 when we started work with her. She was overweight, lacked confidence and had a sedentary lifestyle.
Amir, aged 41, worked with one to one with a member of the team to get support to stop smoking and also to manage more effectively a number of long-term medical conditions.