We now offer 30 hours free childcare for eligible working parents!

Some working parents will be entitled to an extra 15 hours early education or childcare for their three or four year old child.


  • To apply you must sign up via the online digital Childcare Service https://www.gov.uk/get-tax-free-childcare
  • If your child turns three during Autumn and will be entitled to funding for the first time from January, the deadline to make your application for a 30 Hour Code is 31st December 2023.
  • To obtain a code or to renew your code, if funding is already in place, please visit https://www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare or call HMRC (0300 123 4097).
  • From April 2024, all eligible working parents of two-year-olds will be able to access funding for 15 hours per week of education and care.

Newcastle City Council have more information on their website.

You can find out more about our Pre-school and to read their latest Ofsted report on the Pre-school web page.