Showcasing how our work with the NHS is reducing health inequalities

Yesterday we were visited by Dr Bola Owalabi the Director of Health Inequalities at NHS England and Health Improvement.

We were delighted to host a full-day visit from Dr Owalabi and her visit was a great opportunity for her to see first hand the impact of the work we do with the NHS and how it is making a difference.

The video and other publicity from the day will be shared widely by NHS England, including with other NHS Trusts in England, as an example of how integrated working between the NHS and voluntary sector makes a huge difference to reducing health inequalities and improves health, wellbeing and life outcomes.

A big thank you to everyone who supported the day – there was a lot of hard work from the team, partners and clients that helped make the visit such a success.

Watch out for the video coming soon, but for now check out some of the photos from the day.